Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Best of Gregger FB comments I

Seems like some of my best stem-winding declamations come in comments on Facebook threads -- but why limit then to that audience? Why not go global, and drive traffic to my blog?

So, here's one in response to a friend posting a Bill Keller opinion piece (see below):

I like Keller's points on the second page about the "M.D. cartel." Funny how these doctors who rage against government intrusion are perfectly happy to benefit from a cartel whose rules and restrictions are enforced by...the government. If I want to compete with an espresso-stand owner, I can open my own espresso stand and let the invisible hand of the free market sort it out. But if I want to compete with a doctor, I can't do that, unless I jump through hoops the access to which is controlled by the very people I want to compete with -- or else go to (government-run) jail for practicing medicine without a license. Of course, my position is absurd, because nothing so important as the life-and-death issues of health care should be left to the unregulated vagaries of the free market. Oh, wait...

Obamacare: The Rest of the Story


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